Dallan Masterclass Series: the exclusive training and communication tool by Dallan

Hi! At Dallan we have worked hard in these past weeks to create a brand new training and communication tool: the Dallan Masterclass series.
To help you improve the performance of your production systems, and to keep up to date on topics of crucial importance especially today: safety, efficiency, automation and productivity.
These Masterclasses are exclusive and upon invitation only, for maximum 25 persons and each class will last 20 to 30 minutes.
You can apply for the Masterclass series with this form on: https://masterclass.dallan.com/registration/
Watch the introductory video
How to apply for the Masterclasses
All we need is to fill in your name and the name of your company, your email address and your fields of interest: for example Rolling shutters and Solar Protection, Drywall and Interior finish profiles, T-Bar and suspended Ceilings, Punching and Laser, Efficiency and production techniques for thin sheet metal.
One week before each Masterclass you will receive the invitation with the upcoming topic with a form to add specific questions that will be answered live during the Masterclass.
It is important to fill in this form quickly, because as I said we are limiting the number of students to 25 per each class! Your privacy is guaranteed also: during the webinar, your name will be visible ONLY to Dallan and not to the other students.
We already have a lot of “hot” topics for the first Masterclasses, that will be divided in five categories, amongst the specialties of Dallan:
- T-Bar and suspended Ceilings
- Rolling shutters and Solar Protection
- Drywall and Interior finish profiles
- Punching and Laser
One of the categories will be dedicated also to Efficiency and production techniques. In one of these first Masterclasses I will also present my brand new book, with the title “The Revolution of Efficiency” which will be published very soon and in five languages.
Other contents of the next Masterclasses will be:
- The Structure of a Rolling shutter production line
- How a Punch/laser combo line from coil works
- How to calculate the cost of a sheet metal product
- And much more!
Together, we will answer your questions, comment the videos of the machines in function, see the operation of Dallan machines “Live” with webinars taken directly in the production!
And if you miss the Live event, don’t worry: it will be available for 30 days in our private area.
Wait you there!
Andrea Dallan
CEO Dallan Spa
P.S.: All Masterclasses will be held in English.